Performing and Visual Arts Grants
Printin’ Wildcats
Whitehouse Junior High
7th & 8th Grade Art
From struggling learners to high achievers, every art student can use this printmaking equipment. It will provide students with a new, innovative opportunity to learn printmaking. This machinery opens the door for interdisciplinary projects, such as creating a business and working with the expenses, money, and everything else that comes with that. This will be an awesome resource for students to tap into their entrepreneurial sides and learn how to value their art.
All I Want for Christmas is...a UKULELE!
All elementary schools
2nd – 5th Music
This grant funds 108 ukuleles—27 per school! Students across the district will be introduced to a stringed instrument in elementary. This is the first-time stringed instruments have been part of the music curriculum in Whitehouse!
Information coming soon!